Sunday, March 28, 2010

Why pick up trash?

Why pick up trash? There are several reasons.
  1. I don’t want to live in a world where there is trash on the ground

    The way I feel is directly influenced by my environment. Seeing trash on the ground makes me feel bad. Removing trash from areas where I frequently walk has a direct impact on the way I feel when I’m in the world. Furthermore, the impact goes beyond me to everyone who passes that place.

  2. Removing trash discourages dumping and other antisocial behavior

    Imagine walking down the street with an empty can of soda. If the area you’re walking through looks clean and cared-for, would you be likely to leave the can there? What if the area is already littered with other cans? The Broken Windows theory ( suggests that reducing litter directly impacts the tendency to litter more, which reduces the perception of the area as neglected, which reduces the attractiveness of the area to bad actors. There are some well-known examples of this in real life – for example, the Burnside skatepark project in downtown Portland, Oregon, where a simple cleanup effort by skateboarders in an empty lot under a freeway directly resulted in the cleanup and gentrification of an area that was formerly a haven for drug use and prostitution.

  3. Picking up trash on the street helps to raise awareness and reduce stigma

    Why don’t people pick up trash whenever they see it? There are a number of social messages that we get from our peers and mentors that get in the way – everything from “trash is gross and you shouldn’t touch it” to “I didn’t leave it there so it’s somebody else’s problem.” The overall result is that there is social stigma attached to the act. When you pick up a piece of trash and throw it away, you are standing out, calling attention to yourself, bowing low physically and showing humility. There are all things that our culture discourages. If I pick up trash openly in public, I hope to help in some small way to wear away at that stigma, to let people know it’s ok and acceptable to pick up garbage. If I can encourage one other person to pick up trash, then my small effort becomes a seed for greater change.

  4. Picking up garbage helps cultivate mindfulness and humility

    Having the goal of picking up trash helps me be conscious of my environment wherever I am. It gives me focus. Bowing to the ground and letting people see me performing an act that our culture sees as base helps me be humble. We all need a little bit more humility in our lives.

  5. Picking up litter is direct action

    I want to give back to my community. Helping to keep my community clean is one of the most direct and immediate ways I can do this. There’s no waiting for a volunteer opportunity, no giving money to an organization that will spend a large proportion of my gift for overhead. Every piece of garbage I pick up makes my environment better, and I and others receive direct benefit.

  6. People appreciate it

    From time to time, somebody will approach me and thank me for picking up trash. Whether or not you choose to join me in picking up one piece of trash a day, please take the time to say thanks every time you see somebody throwing away trash in an appropriate place.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a trash picker-upper as I walk to work. I agree w/ yr points and have observed that they are true. Keep up the good work. It really makes a difference.
