Monday, September 30, 2013

The intangible benefits of garbage

I don’t believe in altruism.  Never have.  Anybody who does something good does so for one reason and one reason only – they are getting something out of the deal.I apply that to myself as well.  If I feel like picking up other peoples’ garbage is a good idea, then I must be getting some benefit out of it, tangible or intangible.The other day as I was walking to work, several pieces of effluvia in my hand, thinking about why I do this.  At the heart of it, I believe in leaving things better than I found them, as a general principle.  There is definitely a trace of OCD in there, helping to drive that forward.But when I really think about it, it occurs to me that there are several aspects of my commitment to One Piece a Day that resonate with me. 
When I create an intention to act, it creates a focus in my life, a noticing.  I notice the quality and cleanliness of my surroundings.  Instead of ignoring, I notice and I act.  I tune in to the state of the world around me, and I take action.  I see the stains on the sidewalk, the homeless in the streets.  I am a witness to the world, and I believe that witnessing is good in and of itself. 
During the day, I am aware of my commitment and it is never far from my thoughts.  I am mindful of whether I have met my commitment for the day.  It becomes part of the meditation of my day, something separate from my work and home, something that is mine and that helps to color my existence.
Picking up garbage grounds me.  In a literal way, it brings me close to the ground.  In a figurative way it forces my ego to abase itself, to orient itself to the earth, to put itself at the service of higher parts of myself.  In a cultural way, it reminds me that I’m a child of the earth, that I’m not too good to touch the ground, that other people are my equal.  It breaks through social stigma, and I’m hopeful that others will notice and be inspired to take up the practice themselves.
As a member of society, I owe service to my city, state, and country, and to my fellow humans.  By picking up garbage, I improve my corner of the world. I reduce the need for paid city employees to pick up trash.  I improve the quality of life for others around me, as well as for myself – I take more pleasure in an environment that is clean and tidy, where grass appears green and natural and sidewalks are not littered with butts and food wrappers.  I put myself at the service of others without expecting anything in return.
My body is a self-healing machine.  My immune system responds to foreign germs by building specific resistance.  Picking up garbage puts me in touch with the germs in my environment, allowing my body to build a better resistance.  My practice helps remind me to wash my hands and be mindful of the cleanliness of my hands when I eat.

One piece a day is good for me, for my environment, and for society. Will you join me?

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